Wednesday, January 6, 2010

before and after

Last year, we as a family felt a great change coming our way. We sought God, we talked, we dreamed, we questioned and wondered, we prayed, we endured hardship and heartbreak,we prayed,we looked at our life as we once knew it, we prayed, we felt the demand, we lost, we experienced more heartbreak and brokenness, we prayed and prayed and prayed....till finally we realized we are on the road that leads home. This is our visual and written journey as
we gladly give up our comfort and our stuff to explore and to gain a deeper perspective of what truly is home, not just for us, but to others along the way.

It begins with an explosion of color and close comfort! Introducing our 69 vintage Scotty travel trailer! We just about have it completely redone! Here's what we started with-

scotty before outside

kitchen before

scotty before

Here's what it looks like currently! Well actually since taking the photo's we've painted the stove and fridge silver and put on second coats and little last minute touches. It makes me so happy! Everybody pitched in an helped!

new paint job

new paint

scotty 00076

scotty work in progress

the back "room"
